• Philosophical Framework

The process of “Strategic Planning” involves the collective effort to answer a set

of fundamental questions; where are we now, where do we want to be and how

do we get there.

  • Vision

An institute of excellence in health research, innovation and knowledge


  • Mission

To discover, apply and disseminate knowledge through creative and innovative

health research.

  • Core Values

1. Freedom of thought and expression: We shall promote and uphold freedom of 
thought and expression in academic inquiry and knowledge translation.

2. Creativity and Innovativeness shall be the hallmark of our research projects/

3. Professionalism: We shall maintain professional etiquette and honesty. We 
shall conduct research according to established national and international

research standards.

4. Team spirit and team work: We shall nurture a research culture that is 
participatory and non-discriminatory.

5. Transparency and Accountability: We shall embrace and practice good 
corporate governance.