Contact information

Address (Office)Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry,

School of Pharmacy,

College of Health Sciences,

University of Nairobi,

P.O. Box 19676 – 00202,

Nairobi.Address (private)

P.0. Box 23169 - 00604,

Lower Kabete.

Telephone (office)254-20-2716962

Telephone (mobile)0721918280

Recent publications

1.Ongarora D.S.B., Thoithi G.N., Kamau F.N., Abu.,ga K.O.. Mwangi J.W., andKibwage I.O. (2009). Triterpenoids from the stem bark of Blighia UnijugataBak (Sapindaceae). Ethiop. Pharm J. 24. 71 —74.

2.A.O. Maima, G. N. Thoithi, S.N. Ndwigah, F. N. Kamau and I. 0. Kibwage (2008).Phytosterols from the stem bark of Combretumfragrans F. Hoffm. East Centr. Afr. J.Pharm. Sci. 11: 52 - 54

3.H. K. Chepkwony, N. Mwaura, E. Guantai, E. Gathoni, F. N. Kaman, E. Mbae, G.Wang'ang'a, S. Muteru, N. Birgen and M. Wandeto.(2007) Quality of AntimalarialDrugs Analysed in the National Quality Control Laboratory during the period 2002-2005. East. Cent. Afr..1. Pharm. Sci. 10: 55-71.

4.F. N. Kamau, I. 0. Kibwage, G. Muriuki, A.N. Guantai, 1-1. Chepkwony, J.Hoogmartens, E. Roets and R. Busson (2006) Steroidal lndoxyls: Evaluationof pKa Values and Anti-inflammatory Activity. East Cent. Afr. J. Pharm Sci. 9: 5 -9.

5.F. N. Kamau. (2005). Synthesis of Steroidal Indoxyl and Derivatives from 3-ketosteroid. East Cent. At'r. J. Pharm. Sci. 8: 45 - 496.

F.N. Kamau, G.N. Thoithi, J. K. Ngugi, O.K. Kingondu and 1.0. Kibwage (2003).Quality of Amoxycillin preparations on the Kenyan Market. East Cent. Afr. J. Phann.Sci. 6: 57 - 60.