Kenya AIDS Vaccine Initiative (KAVI) was established in 1998 as a research unit within the

Department of Medical Microbiology, College of Health Sciences, University of Nairobi, with

an initial mission to conduct basic research in epidemiology of HIV and to carryout HIV/AIDs

vaccine trials.


Over the years, KAVI experienced tremendous growth as a result of sustained funding, hence

the development of human capacity, infrastructure and community mobilization catchment

areas. By 2013, KAVI as a research unit had successfully undertaken eight HIV vaccine trials,

two drug trials, thirteen epidemiological and basic research projects in addition to pioneering

the development of mucosal sampling and standardization of mucosal immune assays. KAVI

has also greatly assisted in the development of human capacity within the East African region

by training various Institutional Ethics boards and clinical research personnel on research

ethics, Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and Good Clinical and Laboratory Practice (GCLP). KAVI

has also been involved in the strengthening of Laboratory management systems of various

health institutions to prepare the institutions for accreditation.




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